Easy Growing Perennials Drouvhttolerant Blooms Spring and Summer

When June arrives your spring blooms are beginning to fade, and your perennials are just about ready to start blossoming. Adding a variety of perennials plants and perennial flowers is the best way to keep your garden blooming all summer long.

So now that June's arrived, what if you've decided you want to add some new perennials to your garden? At this point in the season, it's always easiest to pick up some perennial plants that are starts from a local nursery. That way you still have plenty of time to enjoy their blooms in your garden. But there are a few quick growing plants in this list that may still bloom this season if you get seeds into the ground in early June.

Let's take a look at 15 different perennials we love planting in June, with plenty of time left to enjoy them this season. Depending on your planting methods, many of these perennials are quick growers, and can produce plenty of beautiful blooms here during the course of the summer.

Anise Hyssop

Agastache foeniculum
Pollinators love this mint family relative.
Scientific Name: Agastache foeniculum
  • Plant Size: 6 feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
  • Plant zone: 4-8

Anise hyssop is a really pretty purple flowered perennial that grows into a shrubby form. It is a member of the mint family, and when the sun hits it just right it has a calming mint aroma. This perennial makes an excellent addition to your butterfly garden.

These flowers are packed with nectar and are just the right size for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Anise hyssop is relatively low maintenance. It requires minimal watering once it is established. Fertilize with a 10-10-10 fertilizer as you would the rest of your perennials. Deadhead once the flowers have passed to promote new blooms!

Keep in mind that Anise Hyssop typically booms 2 years from sown seeds, so you'll want to grab these as a starter plant from a local nursery to enjoy their blooms this season.

Balloon Flower

Platycodon grandiflorus
Enjoy this plant in dwarf or standard size.
Scientific Name: Platycodon grandiflorus
  • Plant Size: 12-20 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Partial shade to full sun
  • Plant Zone: 3-8

This is an easy growing perennial that comes in a dwarf size as well as a standard size. The bell shaped flowers come in shades of white, pink and purple. This plant gets its name from the flower buds.

Before they open they look just like a balloon full of air, until they open up into bell shaped stars. Balloon flower is great used as a border plant amongst other low growing perennials. You may want to stake the taller varieties of balloon flower as they can get floppy while they are in full bloom.

Balloon flowers can bloom in their first season, so it's possible you will get blooms this year if grown from seed, depending on your climate and location.

Butterfly Weed

Asclepias tuberosa
This shrub like plant makes a great addition to a butterfly garden.
Scientific Name: Asclepias tuberosa
  • Plant Size: 24-26 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun
  • Plant Zone: 3-9

Another great option for a butterfly garden, the butterfly weed is a member of the milkweed family. It will grow into a nice shrub form with thin green leaves, and will be covered in clusters of bright orange perennial flowers.

Butterfly weed can be grown in a more formal set perennial garden, or can be sown by seed into a wildflower garden where it will attract butterflies and other beneficial pollinators. The butterfly weed will self sew its seeds if the seed pods are left on the plant.

The seed pods will split open and drop seeds onto the surrounding soil and will produce new plants in the next spring. These new plants may take a few years to flower when grown from seed, but will still produce healthy happy plants! If you don't want these plants to spread, just deadhead the flowers as they pass.


Echinacea sp.
These self-seeders can bloom all summer long if you deadhead diligently.
Scientific Name: Echinacea sp.
  • Plant Size: 3-4 feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun
  • Plant Zone: 3-9

Echinacea is a gardeners favorite for a very good reason. They are heat tolerant, drought tolerant, come in a rainbow of colors, and self seed! Coneflowers are also native to the United States, and they are popular wildflowers in many areas of the country.

These pretty daisy-like flowers will bloom for quite a long time. If you are a diligent deadheader, the bloom time of these plants can last all summer long. The echinacea hybrids will bloom anywhere from June to August and can last well into the fall.

If you wish to have these plants reproduce, simply leave the flowers to pass on the plant. Their seeds will drop to the soil around them, and the little coneflower babies will appear in the spring. Coneflower seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks, and these quick growers can still produce flowers from seed if planted this season, depending on your climate.


Coreopsis sp.
To enjoy two blooms, cut this plant back after the first bloom has faded.
Scientific Name: Coreopsis sp.
  • Plant Size: 12-24 inches
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun
  • Plant zone: 4-9

These plants are very easy to grow. You may opt to grow them from seed, or you can purchase a potted perennial from a garden center. These plants, also known as basket of gold, will be covered in pretty yellow flowers all season long.

Coreopsis is a member of the Aster family just as the daisy is. The foliage of the coreopsis plant is lacy and frilly, and very much resembles that of a daisy.

After the first bloom of coreopsis flowers has faded, it is beneficial to cut the plant back one third. This will promote a second bloom, this second bloom is the bloom that will take your flowers into the fall.

The coreopsis typically takes about 60 days to bloom once planted from seed, so it's still possible to enjoy their blooms this season, whether you buy them as a starter plant or sow them directly from seed into your garden.


Hemerocallis sp.
There are over 35,000 varieties of this beautiful plant.
Scientific Name: Hemerocallis sp.
  • Plant size: 1-4 feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun
  • Plant zone: 4-9

This is a vast genus of plants. It has been hybridized into more than 35,000 varieties and more are coming every year. As their name states their flowers typically only last a day, but they sure are worth it.

Best grown in a mass planting,  they do require a bit of easy maintenance. Removing spent blossoms is something that can be done daily once they have entered their flowering season.

When we get into the fall, removing the dead stems and leaves from the ground is easily done by hand. Daylilies are easily divided in the spring or fall, giving you more beauty each season.

Daylilies take 2-3 years to see new daylily flowers from direct sown seeds, so we recommend picking up a starter plant to enjoy their blooms this season!

Globe Thistle

Echinops sp.
These unique drought tolerant blooms will attract wildlife and pollinators alike.
Scientific Name: Echinops sp.
  • Plant Size: 2-5 feet
  • Sun Exposure:  Full Sun to partial shade
  • Plant Zone: 3-8

Globe thistle is a great easy to grow plant. These plants have a purplish-blue spike globe shaped flower with spiny leaves. These two qualities make it a great choice for a garden with lots of wildlife, such as deer or rabbits.

The flowers however, attract pollinators such as bees or butterflies. Globe thistle is drought tolerant and loves the sun. The globe shaped flowers bob along in the breeze and make for a very charming border garden choice. I love to see these plants planted along a brick walkway.

Globe thistles are fast growing plants! They will flower in just 6-8 weeks after direct sowing from seed, so it's still possible to enjoy their blooms this season if you plant their seeds in the month of June.

Joe-Pye Weed

Eupatorium purpureum
Due to their size, this plant makes a great choice for a privacy hedge
Scientific Name: Eupatorium purpureum
  • Plant Size: up to 8 feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
  • Plant Zone: 4-8

This is a beautiful wildflower native to North America, making it a great easy choice for North East naturalized gardens. In the summer, these plants will be topped with a pink or purple cluster of tiny flowers that are very attractive to butterflies.

These perennials can grow very large making them a great choice for a summertime hedge, or privacy screen. Joe pye weed is a great choice for a rain garden as well, they love to grow on the edges of streams or perhaps just a spot in your yard where water tends to collect.

Joe pye weed is native to the United States. If planted from seed, it may not flower this year. We recommend grabbing a starter plant from a local nursery if you want to enjoy their blooms this season.


Lavendula sp.
This aromatic plant is a staple in most gardens.
Scientific Name: Lavendula sp.
  • Plant size: 2-3 feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun
  • Plant Zone: 5-9

Many people know and love lavender for its smell and aroma therapeutic properties. It also is a very pretty plant in your perennial garden. The well known spikes of lavender flowers sit atop a mound of silver foliage which is also aromatic.

These plants are excellent companions for roses, but will grow well with pretty much anything your heart desires. Lavender makes a great border plant. It will attract bees so be thoughtful when planting it near a patio or pool.

Lavender does have some dependability issues when it comes to returning year after year. It prefers dry, arid conditions and may struggle after a particularly wet or humid summer.

If you love your lavender like many of us do, the best way to overcome this issue is to add new plants every few years to fill the gap when a plant declines.

Lavender isn't the easiest plant to grow from seed. There are many different types of lavender you can choose from, and we recommend picking one of them up from a local nursery as a starter plant if you plan to enjoy their blooms this season. If you do decide to plant from seed, it may not flower until next season.

Pincushion Flower

Scabiosa sp.
Be sure to deadhead if you want to enjoy these low maintenance flowers all summer long.
Scientific Name: Scabiosa sp.
  • Plant Size: 12-18 inches
  • Sun Exposure:  Full Sun
  • Plant Zone: 3-7

This is a gorgeous summer flowering plant that deserves more attention than it receives. Scabiosa, or pincushion flowers come in a variety of perennial blue, purple, pink and white. The flowers remind me of clover flowers, but a bit more flat.

Each of these pretty flowers dance on top of its own slender stem, giving this plant really nice movement within your garden. These plants are very easy to care for, they love full sun and a moderate amount of water. Deadhead these flowers as they pass to keep them blooming for the whole summer!

Pincushion flowers take up to 3 months to flower from seed, so there's a good chance you'll see flowers this season, depending on your geographic location.


Rosa sp.
These beauties are relatively low maintenance as long as they get plenty of water and sunshine.
Scientific Name: Rosa sp.
  • Plant Size: varies greatly with species
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun
  • Plant Zone: 4-11, depending on species

Everyone knows a rose, and they have earned the reputation of being high maintenance and difficult plants. Don't let these garden beauties intimidate you! Roses come in a handful of forms.

From climbing to ramblers and everything in between, each form is available in a rainbow of colors. Whichever type of rose you choose they will need a lot of water, and a lot of sun. If you have the time or irrigation system to water heavily, and the space in your garden with a lot of sun, these plants will be relatively low maintenance.

Roses take up to 3 years to bloom from seed. So if you plan to enjoy this perennial shrub this season, we'd definitely recommend picking up pre-grown rose starter plants from a local nursery.

Sea Holly

Eryngium planum
These hardy plants prefer sandy soil and minimal water.
Scientific Name: Eryngium planum
  • Plant Size: 2-3 feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun
  • Plant Zone: 5-9

Sea holly is a long blooming, tough perennial. These perennials like to live on the wild side, and they prefer sandy soil and minimal water. In fact, they can be planted in quite poor soil conditions and still grow. They look like dried flowers perched on top of coarse silver foliage.

The flowers are similar to that of a thistle, but they are surrounded by bracts. Bracts are a modified leaf that are just as ornamental as the flower, if not more so. Plant these pretty plants in the toughest areas of your garden where not much else will grow and the sea holly will not disappoint you.

Sea holly can be tricky to grow from seed. It likely won't flower in its first season, so we recommend finding starter plants if you want to enjoy their blooms before this growing season ends.


Sedum sp.
These plants are easy to propagate and make for great ground cover.
Scientific Name: Sedum sp.
  • Plant size: up to 3 feet, depending on variety
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun
  • Plant zone: 3-11

Another plant that may go well with sea holly is sedum. These plants are very forgiving of poor soil, lack of water, and warm summer sun. There are many different varieties of sedum.

Many are useful as ground covers such as 'Blue Carpet', or planted as perennials such as the ever popular 'Autumn Joy'. These plants are very easy to propagate. Many will spread on their own by putting down roots wherever the stems make contact with the soil.

Early summer is one of the best times to plant certain varieties of sedum from seed, and you'll still get blooms within the first season when planted late.

Shasta Daisy

Leucanthemum x superbum
This California native will bloom again and again if deadheaded and well watered.
Scientific Name: Leucanthemum x superbum
  • Plant Size: 3-4 feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full sun
  • Plant Zone: 4-9

These happy plants are native to Northern California and have large classic daisy flowers that will bloom from mid summer into the fall. Deadheading can be a bit tedious, but it is well worth the time if you want to keep these daisies blooming over and over again.

Shasta daisies are tolerant of many different soil types, and only ask to be watered regularly. When these plants begin to die out in the center, make a point to divide them and transplant the new plant. Cut these pretty flowers and enjoy them inside in a vase for a few weeks.

Shasta daisies do take a season to flower, so you won't enjoy their blooms until next season if you direct seed them. While early spring or early fall are the best planting times for starter plants, you can still plant them in June depending on your location.

Wild Indigo

Baptisia australis
This drought tolerant plant is great for laid back gardeners who prefer to keep their garden low maintenance.
Scientific Name: Baptisia australis
  • Plant Size: 2-3 feet
  • Sun Exposure:  Full sun to partial shade
  • Plant Zone: 4-9

These plants are members of the pea family and its flowers resemble what I would imagine a perennial sweet pea would look like. These plants are a beautiful shade of indigo and were used to dye fabric by the Native Americans.

Once these plants are established they will be covered in beautiful purple raceme flowers. Wild Indigo is a drought tolerant plant that requires little from you, even deadheading is optional.

These plants take several years to bloom from seed, so we recommend grabbing a starter plant from a local nursery if you plan to enjoy their blooms this season.

Final Thoughts

Enjoy adding some new plants to your garden as the summer begins to ramp up. Each of these plants are low maintenance and will add color and interest to any perennial garden here in the month of June. While you'll still get the longest bloom times by planting most of these flowers as transplants from a local nursery, you can still plant from seed this season and get blooms before the year is over depending on what type of perennial you pick!


Source: https://www.allaboutgardening.com/june-perennials/

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